Just saying the word Motherhood probably triggered a thought in your mind of something you forgot to do. That’s just how it is sometimes. Mothers have a lot on our plates, and then you add in a managing families, careers, businesses, a social life, schooling and oh boy, the list could go on. How is it that we can manage an entire universe on our shoulders? The simple answer is that we have Super Powers (sorry to ruin the secret for you)!
As women we take on so much and even when it becomes overwhelming, we push through because we know we are capable of all things… even if we make it to the finish line with one sock and a messy bun. Motherhood has taught me a lot of things but one is that my plans are never my plans! I’ll have this great schedule laid out and then BAM, motherhood takes that plan and shreds it. So, I’ve put together a few tips to help maintain a schedule while enjoying motherhood.

Get an Early Start
Mastering a morning routine will strengthen your concentration for the day. It will help you with positive energy, empower you and clear your mind. I’ll tell you now, this is one I struggle with because I love my sleep. Try waking up an hour earlier each morning to complete some of your daily necessities. This might be one of the few quiet times, take advantage of it. You may not be willing to commit to waking up earlier and that’s completely fine but start by dedicating just an extra 30 minutes to add some positivity to your morning.
Develop a Cleaning Schedule
If you know for sure the most productive time you have is Sunday at 2pm, then make it worthwhile. Something as simple as running the dishwasher each night before bed or making Sundays laundry day will give you the capability to streamline your responsibilities. In addition, creating a cleaning schedule allows you to break down your chores into smaller segments.
Assemble a “Mom on the Go” Bag
Even with all your plans scheduled out, it’s often we as mothers find ourselves waiting. Are there things you could take care of on the go such as paying a bill, responding to emails or reading another chapter in that book. With technology as accessible as ever, waiting periods can be used to accomplish many things. Assemble a “Mom on the Go” bag with things that can be completed anywhere. Using your downtime wisely could help you gain more time later in the day.
Use Order and Pick-up/ Delivery Services
Nowadays you can order anything! Even groceries. This is a major plus for busy moms, who just don’t have the time to spend going up and down the aisles in a supermarket. It is heaven sent! Many grocers now offer options to order groceries online and either pick them up or have them delivered to your home. In addition, they can save your previous purchases to make it easier for you to restock later.
Plan Your Meals
The truth is meal planning or even prepping will completely change your life and your schedule. Think about your meals for the week and notate with ingredients will be needed. By doing this, your grocery list also becomes simplified. Make some days themed, with maybe taco Tuesdays or pizza Fridays. This will additionally enable you to think less about what the meal will be. Some like to cook all their meals on Sundays and then distribute throughout the week or only prep your meals so they are easier to cook each day. In addition, ladies… ladies… utilize that crockpot! It is amazing to have your mind on other things and then bing, your dinner is served!
Shared Calendars
To manages everyone’s coming and going, it is good idea to have a shared calendar or a family calendar that is accessible by all. It has helped me tremendously with keeping up with events, work schedules, appointments, play dates and all the above. It is much easier to see the “whole” picture in one spot. I recommend Google Calendar or the Cozi App for sharing calendars with your family. Or you could incorporate a family station in your home which helps to organize and highlight important events during the upcoming week.
This is sometimes a hard one especially as mothers because we want to be able to do it all with no help. I will say especially for me, sometimes I feel guilty asking for help because I am supposed to be “holding it down”! But reality is, this will only tire us out and make life miserable. Learn to delegate some of the things you don’t have to handle. Ask for help, that does not make you any less of a mother if you can’t get it all done alone. If anything, it makes you a realist, that everybody needs help sometimes.